Online Courses

At Edinburgh Garden School we offer a range of specialist online gardening courses, from introductory and leisure courses to advanced…

More Gardening Techniques

Guest Article by Stephen Drummonsy Dibbing: Dibbing in is a simple and quicker planting technique than using a trowel. The…

Latest Articles

Our growing collection of articles includes advice from many of the UK’s leading experts in gardening and horticulture. You can…

Exotic Trend: Vertical Flower Beds

Guest post by Holly VicHammond Green thumbs know that gardening is never just gardening. It’s abstract art. It’s landscape design…

Epigeal and Hypogeal Germination

In hypogeal germination the epicotyl extends and the cotyledons stay in the ground, whereas in epigeal germination the hypocotyl extends…

Leaf Bud Cuttings

Leaf bud cuttings are a form of stem cutting. They are comprised of a leaf, a bud in its leaf…

Hot Beds

R2102 – Describe the Creation of Hot Beds The hot bed is a traditional gardening technique that has regained popularity…