Calcifuges and Calcicoles

Shrubs – these are deciduous or evergreen woody plants that provide a variety of fragrant flowers, berries, autumn colour, foliage…

Informal and Formal Garden Design – R2111

2012/05/exotic-trend-vertical-flower-beds R2111 – Understanding Garden features, Plant Selection and Planning, 4.1. Understand the characteristics of accepted garden design styles: “Describe…

Monocot and Dicot Flower

Dicot flower – lupin: Monocot flower – lilium: Summary of differences between monocot and dicot flowers: Monocot flowers tend to…

Cation Exchange Capacity

A cation is a molecule with a positive charge. One of the most important properties of colloids is their ability…

Soil Colloids

Soil colloids are made up of the smallest particles of humus and clay in the soil. Only particles less than…

Soil Types

One of the first things we need to consider when assessing land for crops is the type of soil we…